Relationship Centered Collaboration Strategy vs Ad Hoc Implementation

. Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Circle the wagons of Web 2.0 technologies to form a strategic implementation of the technologies that is supportable in your CRM and internal business goals, through the use of people centered collaboration.

If you and your business are on the social platform curve (have facebook, participated in webinars, broadcasts and are linked up in Linkedin) you now have a powerful tool set to innovate, communicate and problem solve and collaborate. Implementing a method in the application of the social tools will increase the benefits of your companies asset its employees, outside contributors and complementary businesses in to the collective think and process tank.

Externally the tools provide the resources to support sales, customer relationships, market speek and more. Here too you need a plan and process to utilize the tools effectively. While facebook might be good for some businesses and brands if goal is for opening communication with your audience knowing where they speak, what platforms they have adopted will focus you in on productive Web 2.0 platforms and meet your market where they are vs. standing in a field talking to yourself.

Time = Money,  Participation in process = less glitches, Inclusion = fosters ownership & affinity in task or product success.

A tweet, fan a page, share a wiki all while broadcasting via ustream while on a webinar, do you have a method?

      Image Source: Arc Advisory

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond