Newspaper "Paywalls" Is it Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack jump over

. Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Paywall

Newspapers are struggling and scrambling to recoup lost revenue's from decrease in physical paper subscribers to the free online consumption of their news.

Solution is the "Paywall"  (Paywall meaning that you have to pay to get over the wall to see whats on the other side.) And the drive in the industry is to attempt to get other news papers to add their bricks to the wall.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumps over, around or jumps off, The Paywall,
A visual point to the issue, see Jack & the wall (newswallers),

Example from home page:

Those who are not customers of Optimum Online or the newspaper - both owned by Bethpage-based Cablevision Systems Corp. - will have to pay a $5 weekly fee. However, nonpaying customers will have access to some of's information, including the home page, school closings, weather, obituaries, classified and entertainment listings. There also will be some limited access to Newsday stories.

Newsday self coins it as "pioneering Web model"  Yea right, a horse and wagon trip to grandma's I say.

"We are excited about this model because in addition to a unique ability to immediately reach about 75 percent of Long Island households, we believe the hyper-local approach is right for Long Island," said Debby Krenek, Newsday managing editor and senior vice president/digital.

The wall model solution shows why they are struggling to push their revenues over the wall of info seekers and creating friction with the people whom their trying to attract let alone creating bad press for themselves.

So Join the Wall If Your Goal Is To:

  • Turn away potential new readers- stagnate
  • Decrease the viral, buzz and spread-ability of their news -  become a island
  • Less exposure for their advertisers as their page views plummet. Page-views and exposure is what create value for the advertisers. So decrease your views, decrease your value. Loss in ad revenue.
  • Lose talent to open news innovators which help to build their talent recognition & increase income.
Jack Be Nimbles (non"paywall" joiners)- Opportunity is knocking

  • Get ready for increased traffic from a open format due to the void created by "paywall" papers

  • Innovate with revenue models - create a collaboration with other open see's -

    • Idea: set a one price to see all in news network subscription - keep price point  reasonable think volume (network revenue share)

    • Idea: pay to feed streams to feed into news or topic sites (network revenue share & individual paper revenue) Meaning, if I run a Green
      Gardening Site, I could subscribe to all green gardening articles across the news network (one feed),But, I run a local geographic based business I could subscribe to the local papers business feed only - non network shared revenue

    • Idea: create a membership option to allow localized citizen journalists or businesses to blog off network (think dynamic ad pages) + this could help create loyalty and vested interest, paper or network.

    • Idea: hire talent away from the "Pioneers" in their horse & wagon- it takes them to long to get anywhere - Position Sell: Journalists would have option to write for the network meaning that their article would be spread across the network, more exposure & name recognition and because the increase in paper revenue they get higher pay + a residual on their feed subscriptions. (like music or actors do)
So in the end it will be interesting to watch the fallout, see the innovation and possibly a change in which we all consume news.

What will Jack see when he jumps over the wall? 

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond

What's Wrong With This Picture

. Friday, October 23, 2009

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How To Create A PR Crisis - Your kid's too fat, too small DENIED


In the forefront of the Nations mind is the Health Care issue so, now is the perfect time to create a PR nightmare not only for the companies involved but the industry as a whole.

Quick and easy way to bad PR
Pick on some babies and demonstrate a lack of common sense, a process to review and correct glitches in the system.

Your Kids To Big

Your Kid's Small & Off The Curve - Denied

Even though in the end both babies were "approved"  (after their national media exposure) for coverage the damage is already done.

It is a PR nightmare for these companies and insurance industry as a whole because they added fuel to the publics disillusionment with the health care system, its costs, control over care or lack there of.

What do you think?

Did the two companies approval of coverage was enough to correct their PR nightmare?

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Facebook/Twitter Use May Now Mean More for Google/Bing Rankings | WebProNews


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Riding the Wave Will I Still Need a Surf Board

. Thursday, October 15, 2009

Metaphor for Google Wave  My Invite just came in and from this little video will riding the wave bring in all communication channels into one swell?  And will it mitigate the need to surf to the respective channels for what ever it is that we do?

now having to scower the web for how to's of waving

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond

Relationship Centered Collaboration Strategy vs Ad Hoc Implementation


Circle the wagons of Web 2.0 technologies to form a strategic implementation of the technologies that is supportable in your CRM and internal business goals, through the use of people centered collaboration.

If you and your business are on the social platform curve (have facebook, participated in webinars, broadcasts and are linked up in Linkedin) you now have a powerful tool set to innovate, communicate and problem solve and collaborate. Implementing a method in the application of the social tools will increase the benefits of your companies asset its employees, outside contributors and complementary businesses in to the collective think and process tank.

Externally the tools provide the resources to support sales, customer relationships, market speek and more. Here too you need a plan and process to utilize the tools effectively. While facebook might be good for some businesses and brands if goal is for opening communication with your audience knowing where they speak, what platforms they have adopted will focus you in on productive Web 2.0 platforms and meet your market where they are vs. standing in a field talking to yourself.

Time = Money,  Participation in process = less glitches, Inclusion = fosters ownership & affinity in task or product success.

A tweet, fan a page, share a wiki all while broadcasting via ustream while on a webinar, do you have a method?

      Image Source: Arc Advisory

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond

Branding Your Business or Yourself Is More Than A Hot Iron Meets Skin

. Monday, October 12, 2009

“Three Rules of Work

. Saturday, October 10, 2009

Out of clutter find simplicity;
From discord find harmony;
In the middle of difficulty lies

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond

Big Hands & Small Dogs - A Visual Metaphor Of A Effective Social Network

. Thursday, October 8, 2009

Social Networking, I like this image as a metaphor representing what happens when you, businesses & brands
engage in social stratosphere the right way.

The kid in the blue suit represents you on social media:

  • You adding value in a genuine and transparent way. If your selling something say so the bait & switch technique of teaser information that results in  a squeeze landing page full of your friends video testimonials that takes a week of scrolling to get to the "OK How Much Is It" frustrates most and discourages future engagement with you. If you add value your network is more likely to help, participate and create the viral buzz or engagement that you seek.

  • You engage your audience in two way conversation  This means that you listen and respond especially if your spoken to directly because if you don't it will soon become evident that engagement is more of a "me" situation rather than a "we" resulting in a "why bother" attitude of your audience. Good example of "we care about what you say" is @Zappos they are a big brand yet they manage to genuinely respond to their networks engagement with them.

  • You provide support and solutions to your audiences needs. Think of this as the relationship builder. Is your goal to build a one time sale, contact or are you looking to build brand loyalty, repeated business? People buy and are more prone to brand loyalty and advocacy when you develop a knowing, trust and a affinity for you and your business. This results in future growth, a sustainable businesses and a repeat market. Because businesses are run by people, people buy from those whom they know and trust.

  • You participate outside of your box and engage with businesses big, small and just starting out. Form relationships with the major communicators within your niche these alliances can help to pull you up (note the hands in the image) add value to your knowledge base and network and could potentially pull you to your next level of growth. Yet, don't discount the smaller customer, alliances or businesses engagement either.

  • Loose the mindset that the small business, solo-penure's with in your demographic, segment or mindset may not add value or are worth focus. Collectively if your focused on complementary businesses, audiences and networks relative to what you do or whom your trying to reach and serve - adds value to your bottom line ( note the puppies gathering to push) too.

    Often times the collective village adds greater value and sustainability. In your business, you want to create a network and or customer base that is not dependent on any one source there by reducing risk to your bottom line or communication channel.

With the understanding that social media for business is virtual networking and like in person networking and relationship building as the image represents,

It's a give and take, big and small, push and pull,  when joined together creates a powerful force to help you, your business and your message get on its feet and stay there on your path to growth and success.

And that's the purpose right?

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond

Is this You on social media?

. Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Social Media and connectivity is a two edged productivity sword.

Hatch video award winner says it all.

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond