6 Social Marketing, Nerdy, Tech, Idea's And A Laugh from Twitter This Week

. Friday, August 28, 2009
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Note not implying that this is all but I picked some of my fav.'s

Social Marketing:
5 ways to engage your Twitter followers - Summry is a common sense list of mindset / activities . In theory it is the same as if you were seeking to form a relationship either personal or professional. Engage in language that is relevant & useful to the situation be a 50/50 within those relationships (not a all about me communicator) share and help your friends (RT) give kudos for things that help you or find usefull (the equivalent of saying Thank You) ( via @ShermanHu)

King of Chocolate ~ chipping away @ success good Q&A on starting small & growing - also a lesson in enotional detachment from business to actually make it grow (Wall Street Journal)

Nerdy Tech
Wapple Architect Mobile Plugin for WordPress -
Allows you to mobilize your blog in minutes for mobile devise readers. Any theme you've installed and have styled for web will be carried across to mobile giving you a consistent look and feel for each and every one of your visitors. ( via: @mobilewebjunkie)

Screen Caster's
Ez on line screen casting  with either
http://screenjelly.com (3min) http://screenr.com (5min) - I have played with screenr.com and I love it. It is very ez to use, plus you can auto tweet it, plus, after made you can also auto post it to your YouTube or get code to embed in a post. Plus, it has its own social component too and creates a volg channel for you. I have used this to give kudos to valued service provider as well as make brief tutorials for clients with it.  ( via @AlexKaris)

Twitter Archiving  Make tweets permanent with http://BackupMyTweets.com
  I use-  Tweetake - lets you save by segment ie followers, favorites, etc.

Interesting Idea's

Definitive Guide to Backing Up and Ditching Your Discs (Lifehacker)

plenty of reasons to ditch your physical media. Hard drives are cheap; here are our recommended methods of saving, selling, and trading your CDs, DVDs, and video games. (via @MikeLizun)

Netvibes launches drag & drop widget website Designer | som big brands using for micro sites   http://ow.ly/lz4D

How the Synnd Community Works FOR you - Appears to be some sort of system similar to a torrid where they network subscribers computers in which the application runs to auto bookmark. Each member earns credit points to use within their own campaigns based on their participation within the network. Sounds interesting but, for me the problem is that network auto run tasks off of users computer not - confident about security- potential liability- tasking computer with unknown entities & performances.

Made me Laugh

How Facebook Can Ruin Your Relationships

What are your favorite things you learned this week within the spaces you travel?

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond