SEO Friendly Tweet Aggregating You Into A Blog! You will be assimulated!

. Tuesday, August 3, 2010
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Checking out - Turn your twitter stream into a SEO friendly blog
I'll Bite,  findings, screen shots, and seo eval.

Go Ahead Aggregate - Features

  1. My Blog - Its a twitter aggregator, shows what your talking about seems to pull freq. tweeted topics and #" (if you use them=cool for keeping up on chat groups or #'ed topics)
  2. My Stream - See what the people you're following are talking about (not sure if it soly pulls mutual friend/follow or just follows) by keyword, topic or group.  Neat way to find out, maybe better connect via popular topics of Your Stream vs. whole twitter topics, if your interested in building your conversation with your community.
  3. My Mentions - Shows you your mentions and where they come from, interesting is if you participate in chat groups it pulls those popula rt. into organized tabs, also shows your "popular word rt triggers". This is great because you can see if the groups you participate in are really conversational/ give value Plus, by orginizing mentions into top level "word" rt. shows you  what is it that You talk about that warrents rt. also what doesent.
  4. Lists: Twylah can pull your lists and you can get the same incites as the above, ie. topics, terms and more.

    Some Screen shots (combined)

Is it SEO friendly? A Geekette Under The Hood Look.

  1. Header Area:

    Is there full meta data? no but there is the "title tag"  : for full seo should at least have a discription meta tag too.
    (<title> MediaCollective's (MediaCollective) Tweets </title> )

    Code imbedded? - good job here, there is no heavy scripting in the header area, all is stored in a outside script and called in.

  2. On To The Body - Whats displaying?
    css type menu that displays the links in a list format -  what I find is that to generate the menus its pulling via how they propeagate your various menu's. For example in "My Blog" menus made via. "active topics & tweet cloud" .  The links are seo friendly without a "no follow" tag. Seo friendly or You on twitter, while seo friendly some words used as "Link text"  may not add value  example: I participate in topic/interest twitter chats, well wgbiz or sm63" don't add value to my SEO or link weight but "facebook & social media" do.

    In the stream content:
    In your content stream it does show content in <p> tags with urls in <no follow>  urls to the content it pulls = good for the blog because if it gets indexed it is not passing pr weight to the aggregated content, but from the ( @)  content provider being pulled in it is not adding link weight to their material.

    It does not display <b> bold or <h> header tags in content which is another good SEO standard.

    All in all for what twylah is and does the seo claim is basic but beyond other comprable services.

Going to give it a use test to see

  1. Does it help me to communicate with in my community, giving better value to my followers
  2. Help me to manage multiple aspects of my twittersphere.
  3. Help to build richer twitter relationships?
  4. Help me to discover conversations and topics that might be getting lost?
  5. At a glance to see if what I say and do on twitter is what I think it is vs. what the tool says
  6. Do the tabs it creates change if a common word is entered over a period of time (will this help as well for search engines that are aggregating twitter streams = topic association) .


Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond