Big Hands & Small Dogs - A Visual Metaphor Of A Effective Social Network

. Thursday, October 8, 2009
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Social Networking, I like this image as a metaphor representing what happens when you, businesses & brands
engage in social stratosphere the right way.

The kid in the blue suit represents you on social media:

  • You adding value in a genuine and transparent way. If your selling something say so the bait & switch technique of teaser information that results in  a squeeze landing page full of your friends video testimonials that takes a week of scrolling to get to the "OK How Much Is It" frustrates most and discourages future engagement with you. If you add value your network is more likely to help, participate and create the viral buzz or engagement that you seek.

  • You engage your audience in two way conversation  This means that you listen and respond especially if your spoken to directly because if you don't it will soon become evident that engagement is more of a "me" situation rather than a "we" resulting in a "why bother" attitude of your audience. Good example of "we care about what you say" is @Zappos they are a big brand yet they manage to genuinely respond to their networks engagement with them.

  • You provide support and solutions to your audiences needs. Think of this as the relationship builder. Is your goal to build a one time sale, contact or are you looking to build brand loyalty, repeated business? People buy and are more prone to brand loyalty and advocacy when you develop a knowing, trust and a affinity for you and your business. This results in future growth, a sustainable businesses and a repeat market. Because businesses are run by people, people buy from those whom they know and trust.

  • You participate outside of your box and engage with businesses big, small and just starting out. Form relationships with the major communicators within your niche these alliances can help to pull you up (note the hands in the image) add value to your knowledge base and network and could potentially pull you to your next level of growth. Yet, don't discount the smaller customer, alliances or businesses engagement either.

  • Loose the mindset that the small business, solo-penure's with in your demographic, segment or mindset may not add value or are worth focus. Collectively if your focused on complementary businesses, audiences and networks relative to what you do or whom your trying to reach and serve - adds value to your bottom line ( note the puppies gathering to push) too.

    Often times the collective village adds greater value and sustainability. In your business, you want to create a network and or customer base that is not dependent on any one source there by reducing risk to your bottom line or communication channel.

With the understanding that social media for business is virtual networking and like in person networking and relationship building as the image represents,

It's a give and take, big and small, push and pull,  when joined together creates a powerful force to help you, your business and your message get on its feet and stay there on your path to growth and success.

And that's the purpose right?

Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond