A Funny virial video is a good example to think about transparency in your business and meeting your markets expectations.
For this example the annology correlates to:Pranked = Your customer
Presenter = Business
- Pranked (customer) had certain expectations right?
- The presenter (business) led them to believe once set of circumstances correct?
- Presenter blind folds Pranked = trust to meet expectations and what was told to the customer.
- Bate and switch occurs. (via the business giving the customer false expectations)
- Pranked (customer) engages with the presenter (business)
- Pranked realizes that presenter was not accurate nor truthful in their message or engagement and their expectations are dashed out the window
Note the expression, the same would be true for your community clients or customer base if you engaged in "Kissing Test" method of marketing or engagement.
What this means is within your media, how you engage with your clients and your product/service offering always,
- Be accurate & truthful in what your offering,
- Understand what your customers/market or community expectations are when engaging with your or your business.
- Respect the trust that your customers are affording you, once lost it takes a long time to rebuild that trust if ever.
- Deliver what is expected.
Don't leave your customers Kissing Monkeys.
Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond
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