Blogs Loosing Their Authority? Change How Authority Is Measured

. Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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Thoughs on post by TechCrunch
Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?

Basically, measurement of authority is via link weight or on page read and engagement, and article is about loss of on blog participation due to social applications, services like twitter, friendfeed and others that allow realtime engagement.

I think that the bar for measurement should just be looked at differently.

Authority if measured by reach/influence, if you used the simple analogy of distribution, Ex: Crest is a brand it distributes to multiple stores, does it lessen its influence or brand/product affinity?

The same would be for blogs, Author is the brand, blog distributes through multiple channels both on site by use of widgets to pull in live stream social network conversation as well as push through syndication.

Measurement would then be adjusted to the impression value, are people seeing them or a total picture of their social world as well as on site measurement combined. So not just the link or on blog commenting but by re tweets, likes, friendfeed engagement ... etc.