Cheeky or Gross? AD Lost In Translation
Regional brands that are appearing on world wide networks should take care in cultural meaning differences.
Cheeky or Gross?
In area's not familiar with brand or product what you may think as edgy can totally impact your products ability to get adopted in other countries should you choose to expand.
If OK where your brand lives, than limit the venues to where brand is known & adopt a alternate version for territories unknown.
This reminds me of a AMX promo for the Black Cards.
A few years ago, a couple of mine in Mexico were sent a beautiful high gloss black box with a fancy red ribbion on it, (of course inside was the card promo)
Did it get opened?
No it created quite a bit of havoc with the more mature wealthy Hispanic demographic.
On receipt of such a "beautiful black box" their take on what it was, It was a death announcement. They were quite upset when they realized it was a promo item.
Needless to say, what would work here in the US did not translate well in Mexico.
Likewise, this ad might work in its country of origion but here it implies something all together different as well as creates a perception of what the product tastes like.
Posted via email from Media Collective -Social Marketing, Advertising And Nerdy Things MindShare & Beyond